When you visit this website you are not required to provide any personal information on the Jasmine Universe website unless you choose to provide your name, mailing or email address to request information or send us an e-mail at Info@jasmineuniverse.com. We will not transfer your personal information to any non-Jasmine Universe entity for commercial purposes. If you provide your email address, you may receive email from us or be contacted by a Jasmine Universe representative to follow up on your interest or questions.

Our web server will not log your Internet Protocol (IP) address or the IP address of your proxy server. It will not systematically track your domain name or your e-mail address for any purpose. We currently do not use any cookies on this website although other sites accessible or redirected from this site may use cookies. If we add any cookies to this site in the future, we will change this notice to explain how such cookies are used.

Please refer to the Legal Information page for further information about our online privacy policies and practices.